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Amín Cruz memoria viva Padre y embajador de periodismo hispanoamericano y latinoamericano
Por Araceli Aguilar Salgado “Al ejercer el periodismo no somos sólo hombres o mujeres que contribuye a que no se nos olvide lo que somos, darle voz a los que no tienen voz y hacer visible lo invisible con ética profesional para informar a la sociedad.” Dr. Amín Cruz...
Fears of famine grow in Gaza as aid agencies suspend deliveries
A UNICEF official warned that Gaza was “poised to witness an explosion in preventable child deaths, which would compound the already unbearable level of child deaths in Gaza.” By Molly Hunter and Bill O'Reilly JERUSALEM — As crowds of hungry people crowded around a...
One of the world’s biggest cities may be just months away from running out of water
Mexico CityCNN — Alejandro Gomez has been without proper running water for more than three months. Sometimes it comes on for an hour or two, but only a small trickle, barely enough to fill a couple of buckets. Then nothing for many days. Gomez, who lives in Mexico...
Letters to the Editor: Hamas’ attack was horrible, but Israel’s slaughter of Gaza civilians is genocidal
To the editor: It broke my heart to read the article by Dr. Irfan Galaria, a Virginia surgeon who recently volunteered in the Gaza Strip. I was struck by what he said about people who died quickly in bombings being the lucky ones. The children and others in Gaza who...