Opinion: All Signs Point to a Trump Debate Meltdown

Opinion: All Signs Point to a Trump Debate Meltdown

The news that President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to two debates, one in just a few weeks’ time, in late June, and another in September, has naturally got the punditverse buzzing. Some commentators have focused on Biden’s sharp early morning...
Without Fear

Without Fear

TRUMP can say that he is the one sent by God to change our lives and the future of our country, but he must start by changing his own, stop lying, deceiving, causing so much damage and discredit to the USA. TRUMP puede decir que el es el enviado de Dios para cambiar...


What is the concept of democracy? “In a strict sense, democracy is a type of State organization in which collective decisions are adopted by the people through tools of direct or indirect participation that confer legitimacy on their representatives.” In...

Without fear

It is incredible but true that at present our media and journalists dedicate 30% of their spaces and notes to Mr. TRUMP, we must be more objective and understand reality, in our country the voters already know and clearly understand that they will not lose their vote...